Monday, November 22, 2010

The Chef IV - by Debora Gilson

He tells you first thing, that he is a genius
He licks the cake batter from the tips of your fingers
He walks into the kitchen as though he is Louis XIV walking through the Hall of Mirrors
He uses the pastry cooler as a sound proof booth to speak confidentially
He will come for a hug of mutual support before the days battle
He rests a dead chicken foot on your shoulder for laughs
He stands in a stairwell to think about his crazy mother
He says he knows you better than anyone else
He states as a fact that which he wishes were true
He needs you to tell him that you have a plan
He believes in his mind that he is Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront
He smokes pot on his front porch after walking the dog
He carries your summer pudding up five flights of stairs
He kisses your cheek when you have done all that he asks
He lost the truth in his forest of lies
He's afraid of that look in your eye
He cries for you only once
He holds up the pill that keeps him sane
He throws it in his mouth, turns and walks away
He got you into this mess but he will not get you out

Kim....don't you just love this? Sequentially there are a few patters (and breaks in pattern that make this kind of (and I hate using the word) "organic"
Note how the first 17 lines are independent of one another, each could be the heading of its own story, but the last 3 pull together and not only tie together.....but close out the thought.
If you want to know which chef this was written about you'll need to buy me a drink. I would hate to pull a Carly Simon and rat out a brother in public.

1 comment:

  1. I do love this poem, partly because I found myself subbing in editor, or photographer, for chef. What is it with guys that they are both so needy and so arrogant, all the while being charming. Seriously, I don't think women can really pull that off. Debora captured this squarely, and in a way that I didn't even see the structure until you pointed it out. Brill.....
