Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ink -- by Kim Ode

When Johnny Cash died
They published memorials,
Ragged columns of ink
Reprising his life.

Kids still pick at his songs
Caressing frets with their fingers
While squinting at chords –
Ball-point dots of his strife.

Ink flows from pens.
Ink flows from needles.
Ink asks if we’re certain
Then winks when we nod.

Monks labored in abbeys
Illuminating the Word.
Shakespeare’s quill dipped and scratched
Soliliquies for the crowd.

Treaties and grocery lists,
Lyrics and lies.
Ink’s fluid nature
Both confirms and denies.

Tattoos are stories
Absorbed by our pores.
Injections of chapters
On biceps and calves.

Epiphanies, tributes,
Drunken stabs at eternity –
Ink walks the line
Lending all a blue beauty.

Silently, surely
The hand-drawn script letters
Deliver a message
As honest as dogs.

Ink flows from pens.
Ink flows from needles.
Ink asks if we’re certain
Then winks when we nod.

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem, Kim. It makes me want to take guitar lessons!


    By the way, I've awarded you the Stylish Blogger Award! (Feel free to ignore the assignments. Congratulations.
